In The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game, players assemble a band of adventurers who are attempting to complete dangerous quests in Middle-earth. The heroes of this beloved setting join together to resist the threat of the Dark Lord, Sauron.
- Product dimension - 11.5" L x 10" W x 3.25" H
- Product weight - 3.51 lbs
- Set includes - 1 learn to play, 1 rules reference, 188 player cards, 12 hero cards, 84 encounter cards, 10 quest cards, 3 campaign cards, 16 boon or burden cards
- 57 resource tokens, 66 damage tokens, 66 progress tokens, 4 threat dials, 1 first player token
- For 1-4 players
- Ages 14 and up
- Cardstock, Cardboard
- Wipe Clean
- Imported